
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A chicken is using his egg tuth  to break the egg.  It only cracked a little. all the other eggs have not cracked yet. We no that one of the egg is craked and we will have a chicken soon. N.P, A.H., and L.D.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 19

Today is day 19 of our chicken eggs. We were able to candle our eggs, which means we held the egg up to a bright flashlight, so we could see what was happening inside the egg. When we candled the egg, we saw the egg's air sack and veins that give nutrients to the chick. We also noticed the chicken got much larger since the last time we candled. Our chicks should be hatching in the next two days!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

CR   We are set up a camera so we can see the chicks and so we can see if they are growing up and if the eggs have hatched. Here is the link to the Camera.


A M   When the eggs  all  hatch we well put the chicks in the pen shown below. It contains light food water and bedding.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

We are learning  about chickens here's some facts. Did you know that chickens are related to a Tyrannosaurs Rex? Boy chickens are tall.Chicks hatch with no wings. The fur is soft. Chickens have no teeth. We hope they develop good. H.A and C.R

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Candling Day 12

Today was a very exciting day in first grade. We got to candle our eggs. What we saw was amazing! The chicks have really developed since we last saw them.

Here is a picture of what they look like now.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Candling Our Eggs

Today was the first day that our first graders got to see a couple of eggs candled. We took them into the computer lab and got it as dark as possible. The students buzzed with excitement as we discussed what we would be looking for in the eggs. I had actually candled the two eggs prior to them coming in and saw that once was not viable and one had the embryo.

We used a flashlight and was able to see the embryo at the top of the egg.

Here is the one without an embryo. It was cracked.